It's time to come home to your

For the former
good girls...

(who are
secret rebels)

the people

(who are
done pleasing)

the deep

(who are
scared to
feel it all)

and the muted creators...

(who are DYING
to let their
creativity OUT)

I believe we should all be free to experience all of the color and flavor and delight that life has to offer.

I believe we should all be celebrated for our unique magic.

I believe we should all feel safe to express all of who we are.

Instead, we are told we have to be more productive, more efficient, more useful (whatever that means).

Instead, we’re stuck trying to survive in a world that pushes us to conform and homogenize ourselves.

Instead, we live in a culture where difference is seen as a threat, and we are repeatedly sold the idea that we can never be enough as we are.

I believe that we should all feel safe to express all of who we are. I believe that we should all be celebrated for our unique magic, and be free to experience all of the color, flavor and delight that life has to offer...

Instead, we live in a world where difference is seen as a  threat; where we are repeatedly sold the idea that we can never be enough as we are; where we are pushed to conform and homogenize ourselves; and where we are pressured to be more productive, more efficient, more useful (whatever that means)...

Hi There - I'm Sara!

I'm a holistic coach and creative soul who gets nerdy about neuroscience. I believe every human deserves to feel safe in all of their colorfulness, and I'm on a mission to help folks come home to who they truly are.

After decades of trying desperately to pretzel myself into all sorts of shapes to please others, I woke up one day and realized that I was miserable. I had no connection to my dreams, my voice, my Self, or my creativity. I desperately wanted a life that was more purposeful, joyful, and spacious but I had no idea where to start. I didn’t even know if it was possible.
As I started searching, I discovered that all of the things I thought were important —success, approval, a linear career path, recognition, security—actually had nothing to do with living a fulfilling, adventure-filled, creative life. And once I discovered that, I was free to create my own path. Which is how I became the creative, witchy, nature-loving, intuitive, playful, heart-led human I am today.




book nOW

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One hour of juicy support for whatever is on your mind and heart. 
  • break through a specific block
  • re-wire a specific pattern or belief
  • add some oomph to a goal or dream
  • get back in touch with your own inner wisdom

Feel like getting a little witchy with it?  Add on an intuitive tarot reading for $10 and I will use the tarot to guide our work together and provide some extra input from spirit along the way. 

One mONTH PACKAGE - $500


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What is that one rude pattern in your life that just keeps coming back like a bad cold? You know the one. Whether it's perfectionism, people-pleasing, sneaky snacking or something else, we can re-wire it so you can get back to scrolling TikTok in peace (or whatever it is you love to do)!


SCHEDULe A Connection CAll

  • One 60 minute orientation session (where I'll teach you quick and easy tools you can use NOW to change how you feel)
  • Four 60-75-minute coaching sessions (where we'll work with your brain and body to shift the pattern that's bugging you)
  • Support and celebration between sessions via text and email as we track the changes happening for you



Longer-term options,
coming soon!


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I'm in the midst of building some longer-term coaching options that I hope to launch officially this Fall.

If you're interested in longer-term (3 months or more) or ongoing support, I'd love to set up a quick call to hear what you need and see what we can create together. 


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What People Say about working with me

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